শুক্রবার, ২৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১০


Britain's X Files: RAF suspected aliens of "tourist" visits to Earth

A new book reveals details about UFO sightings over British skies after author David Clarke studied declassified Ministry of Defence records. The book gives new insights into an incident known as "Britain's Roswell" as well as the belief in UFOs by high ranking defence officials. Documents in the files reveal that there were high level defence officials in the 1990s who believed UFOs could be spacecraft piloted by extraterrestrials who could even be conducting "tourist" visits to earth.

In 1993, an RAF Wing Commander lobbied MoD officials about the need for a properly funded study. He told them: "The national security implications (of UFOs) are considerable. We have many reports of strange objects in the skies and have never investigated...

SETI: Humans to make contact with ET within two decades

Some leading astronomers are quite confident that mankind will make contact with intelligent alien life within two decades. The search for extraterrestrial life will leap forward next year when NASA launches the Kepler space telescope. The instrument will be constantly scanning the same 100,000 stars over its four-year mission with the exciting objective of discovering Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones around suns.

This will allow SETI to home in on where the odds of life are possibly greatest. Currently, SETI’s mission to find life on other planets is like trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. But now, whenever Kepler identifies planets most likely to sustain life, the team at SETI will be able to focus in on those solar systems using deep-space...

The extra-terrestrial files reveal alien truth

AN alien banana, ET with a Scandinavian accent and a diamond-shaped UFO have all been spotted in the UK, newly-released Government X-Files reveal. These curious extra-terrestrial cases were investigated by top secret Ministry of Defence department DI55. The files — which can now be accessed at the National Archives website — suggest the UK was swarming with alien spacecrafts in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

And the documents reveal sketches from witnesses were gathered to help get to the bottom of the alien invasions — similar to those investigated on hit TV series The X-Files. Diagrams on record include one from a man in West London who spotted a faceless banana shape with human-like arms and legs on May 16, 1989. The DI55 branch reported to the Defence Intelligence Staff...

ET Landings Soon?

There is converging objective predictive evidence, expert opinion, exopolitical policy analysis, and extraterrestrial contactee communications supporting a hypothesis that large scale “wild card” event(s), involving mass extraterrestrial (UFO) sightings or landings over major urban or other visible centers on the planet for peaceful purposes may occur during the period leading up to 2011-12 or beyond.

“Wild card” events are low probability, high impact events. In future studies, John Petersen author of 'Out of The Blue - How to Anticipate Big Future Surprises' defines “wild card” events as “Low Probability, High Impact events that, were they to occur, would severely impact the human condition. A low probability event does not mean, however, that the event cannot be...

Philip Schneider, UFOs and the black budget

Philip Schneider was mysteriously found dead on January 16, 1996 after conducting several controversial lectures throughout the US, including Denver where he covered topics such as, Space-Defense, black helicopters, railroad cars built with shackles, extraterrestrials and the secret black budget.

Philip Schneider claimed to be an ex-government structural engineer who helped build deep underground military bases (DUMB) around the United States. He also claims to be one of only three people to survive the 1979 incident between the alien Grays and the US military at the Dulce, New Mexico underground base. Philip voluntarily retired from the military after he disagreed with their spending, secrecy and unconstitutional actions. His ex-wife, Cynthia Drayer believes that Philip...

Files released on UFO sightings

Secret files on UFO sightings have been made available for the first time by the Ministry of Defence. The documents, which can be downloaded from the National Archives website, cover the period from 1978 to 1987. They include accounts of strange lights in the sky and unexplained objects being spotted by the public, armed forces and police officers. One man explained in great detail his "physical and psychic contact" with green aliens since he was a child. The writer said that one of them, called Algar, was killed in 1981 by another race of beings as he was about to make contact with the UK government. The letter's author said he visited their bases in the Wirral and Cheshire, while his wife reported seeing a UFO shot down over Wallasey on Merseyside. The eight...

Dogu Figures - Jomon Jedi

Long before the invention of agriculture or the domestication of animals, the Japanese already lived on villages and cooked their meals on pots. Ten thousand years before the Christian Era, possibly even earlier, the inhabitants of the eastern islands had already developed the art of ceramics, which would arise on the “Cradle of Civilization”, western Asia, three thousand years later. Reason for the Japanese to yell “Banzai!“, which actually means “ten thousand years”. Such ancient ceramics mark the so-called Jomon Jidai, a term from Japanese archeology: Jomon, meaning “rope pattern”, and Jidai meaning period or era. The word Jidai would become famous worldwide on a variation created by filmmaker George Lucas. With his space knights with strict honor codes,...

ET contact odds 'extremely low'

The odds of intelligent life arising on another Earth-like planet are low, a British scientist has calculated. He argues that humans evolved via a series of four "critical steps" and that the likelihood of all these occurring elsewhere is less than 0.01%. Discoveries of new planets outside the Solar System, has boosted the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. Professor Andrew Watson has published his findings in the academic journal Astrobiology. "Complex life may be a rare phenomenon, observers rarer still," he wrote. We may have to discover tens of thousands of Earth-like planets before we find one which harbours sophisticated organisms, according to Professor Andrew Watson, from the University of East Anglia. The reason is that the "habitable...

Who Speaks For Earth ?

Alexander Zaitsev, Chief Scientist at the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, has access to one of the most powerful radio transmitters on Earth. Though he officially uses it to conduct the Institute's planetary radar studies, Zaitsev is also trying to contact other civilizations in nearby star systems. He believes extraterrestrial intelligence exists, and that we as a species have a moral obligation to announce our presence to our sentient neighbors in the Milky Way—to let them know they are not alone. If everyone in the galaxy only listens, he reasons, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is doomed to failure. Zaitsev has already sent several powerful messages to nearby, sun-like stars—a practice called...

Regarding So-called "Alien Abductions"

I have been invited to write an article addressing the so-called "alien abduction" phenomenon, which is widely discussed to in certain circles. After I had written the article below, I heard from Elaine Douglas, the editor at JAR (Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research), asking me to provide a fuller, more "detailed" article. My response was that, first, I needed to see actual evidence to support the claims that this phenomenon is proven to be extraterrestrial in nature and origin, as opposed to either done by (known or unknown) terrestrial parties, or that it is largely a form of mass hysteria, or a combination of both. I waited an extraordinary amount of time without receiving any such evidence. This is all the more remarkable considering how promptly I...

Hope for the alien hunters

Nasa this week unveils a new emissary in the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. The Phoenix Mars Lander, which launches next month, marks just the latest instalment in a quest that has exercised the imaginations of writers and scientists since long before the adventures of Jules Verne. In the 17th century Johannes Kepler, the architect of our modern understanding of the solar system, imagined a journey to a moon inhabited by serpent-like creatures called Prevlovans who endured the lunar night "bristling with ice and snow under the raging, icy winds". Regrettably, however, here is no reliable account of a real encounter with alien life-forms. Many doubt whether they exist at all. The Phoenix mission to Mars is very much in pursuit of liquid water, the key to...

The Starchild Skull

Around 1930, the parents of a young American girl of Mexican heritage took her to visit relatives in a small rural village in the mountains southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico. While there, the girl disobeyed a local taboo and went exploring in caves and mineshafts dotting the area. In a mineshaft she made a startling discovery: lying on the ground at the rear of the tunnel was a complete human skeleton. Coming up out of the dirt beside it was a misshapen hand, entwined in one of the human skeleton's upper arm bones. Gathering her courage, the young girl began to dig away the dirt the hand was rising from. She uncovered a shallow grave containing a being smaller than the human, with a body and skull as misshapen as the hand. She then removed both skulls from the mineshaft and...

Alien 'visitor' shot at Area 51?

UFOs and Aliens are fast becoming big news again. Following on from recent 'UFO' type disclosures and sightings I have recently discovered (through an insider contact) an intriguing release from a genuine DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency) which details an account of a 'shooting' of an "alien visitor" supposedly detained at the top secret establishment Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada - known in ufological circles as 'Dream Land'. Now at first glance this sounds preposterous. However, it appears that other ex-AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Intelligence) officers have come forward to confirm the incident as being genuine. So at 'second glance' (!), it is not so much preposterous, as shocking! The AFOSI insiders, real people - Capt...

Is there life out there?

Intelligent extra-terrestrials almost certainly exist on distant planets beyond our solar system, leading British astronomers told the government yesterday. The scientists expect that the first evidence of primitive alien life, such as microbes and vegetation, will emerge within 10 years, with more substantial finds following future space missions. The experts, from high-ranking UK universities and research institutes, were gathered in London by the science minister, Malcolm Wicks, to describe the latest advances in the search for distant, habitable planets capable of harbouring life. A recent revolution in technology means astronomers can now spot Earth-like planets orbiting faraway stars, raising the chances of alien life being found. By analysing reflected light, it is becoming...

Woman is an Extraterrestrial-Human hybrid

Milagros Garcia is an alleged Alien and Human inter-species hybrid. The blood DNA from this Puerto Rican woman has yielded analyses so unusual and interesting that the physician involved is now interested in meeting the subject for further study. The DNA is possible in humans but is very rare. Ms. Garcia claims that she is the offspring of an alien encounter. The Doctor is not interested in the UFO/ alien phenomena he wants answers as to why her DNA has such rare qualities. A Case similar to this is being investigated in New Paris Ohio. A woman there has exceptional skills and get by on two hours of sleep a night. Pictured on the left is Milagros Garcia's Mother and Milagros Garcia is on the right. Omnec Onec alleges that she is a female extraterrestrial who originally came to...

New visage for Red Planet 'face'

The Mars Express probe has photographed the classic surface feature on the Red Planet's surface known as "The Face". The mountain, which looks just like a human head with eyes, mouth and nostrils, was first pictured by the US Viking 1 Orbiter in 1976. The formation instantly became the stuff of myth and conspiracy theories, with some claiming it was evidence of an ancient Martian civilisation. The new European images of The Face were taken in July this year. It has been something of a struggle for scientists to get a decent shot of the area in mid-northern latitudes referred to as Cydonia. The probe was either at too high an altitude when making a pass or had its view degraded by dust and haze in the atmosphere. A 22 July fly-over finally provided perfect conditions....

Alien Life, But Not As We Know It

If aliens existed, would they look like us? Simon Conway Morris takes some educated guesses. The Science of Aliens, a new exhibition at the Science Museum, reveals that the answer to the perennial question “Are we alone?� may be closer than we thought. While many will be drawn to a presentation of the Daleks and androids that have fuelled the world of sci-fi, and some interesting insights into the more “alien� habitats within the Earth’s crust itself, the real meat lies in the exhibition’s third area. Taking impetus from a forthcoming Channel 4 documentary, Aliens, and working with the producer Nick Stringer, I was part of a team of scientists thrown together to brainstorm new biospheres into existence. We imagined a world with an atmosphere...

1952 Military Engagement With Ufo Myth Or Mystery?

In an account of a military engagement sure to leave critics scoffing, a UFO investigator claims more than a dozen U.S. Air Force jet fighters were destroyed by flying saucers on a single day in 1952. But not before their guns and rockets crippled several UFOs that wound up making emergency landings in rural West Virginia. "I know how it sounds," says Frank Feschino, the Port Orange artist whose new book attempts to reconstruct what would be the biggest dogfight since the Marianas Turkey Shoot in 1944. "But I think it's going to come out real soon. There's a lot of guys out there who know what happened but are too scared to talk." Feschino's book -- "The Braxton County Monster: The Cover-Up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed" (Quarrier...

alien.... the address is http://www.thesupernaturalworld.com

About Barmuda Tryangle

The map of Barmuda tryangle

What is the barmuda triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels are alleged to have mysteriously disappeared and cannot be explained as human error, piracy, equipment failure, or natural disasters. Popular culture has attributed some of these disappearances to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings.

A substantial body of documentation reveals, however, that a significant portion of the allegedly mysterious incidents have been inaccurately reported or embellished by later authors, and numerous official agencies have stated that the number and nature of disappearances in the region is similar to any other area of ocean.

The boundaries of the triangle cover the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean island area and the Atlantic east to the Azores; others add to it the Gulf of Mexico. The more familiar triangular boundary in most written works has as its points somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda, with most of the accidents concentrated along the southern boundary around the Bahamas and the Florida Straits.

What is the secret behind the Barmuda triangle?


Scientists at Cardiff University are studying whether bacteria that thrive in the high pressures of deep ocean sediments could be a source of sustainable energy. Some of the bacteria spew methane that accumulates in massive fields of ice-like "methane hydrates." Methane hydrates might also be the secret behind an old mystery.

From the press release:
"One theory now suggests that when the covering of "methane ice" which exists over much of the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle becomes unstable; this causes instability of the sea and an explosive mixture of air and methane above. Any ships or planes travelling over the area could sink or catch fire."

"So ancient, deep-sediment bacteria may be a key to sustainable energy in the future and to explaining a few disasters," said Professor (R. John) Parkes.

The Bermuda triangle is region located in north-western Atlantic Ocean in which numerous aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared. Some people claim that these disappearances fall beyond the boundaries of acts of nature or even human error and instead attribute the disappearances to a variety of explanations including the paranormal, suspensions in the laws of physics, and even activities by extraterrestrial beings.
Numerous investigations by government agencies and the like have gone on record stating that the number of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is not all that different from the number of disappearances in any other proportionate area of any other ocean.
There has also been substantial documentation showing a number of incidents that have been either inaccurately reported, or embellished by authors. Despite this, believers in the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon still feel there are too many unanswered, and likely unexplainable answers for it all to be merely a coincidence.
Some of the more popular theories to explain the mysteries are the vast fields of methane hydrates in the area. These fields are capable of producing enough bubbles to shrink ships by lowering the waters density. Others claim that abnormal compass problems in the area cause navigators to lose sight of their route and destination and get lost. Some people also blame hurricanes in the area, the Gulf Stream, and freak waves. Still others link the mysteries to the lost continent of Atlantis, the Bimini Road, and even UFO’s.

Phenomenon of the World

There are many phenomenon of the world. In modern science there have no dafination. But it is true of the mind of simple peolel of the world. Here I have collected some of that phenomenon......